Let Medicine be Your Food and Food be Your Medicine - Hippocrates Based on the work of Dr. Tom Wu N.M.D, Ph.D by Jeff Primack | |
Dr. Tom Wu has earned the “Remarkable Contribution” award from the American Cancer Society and the ‘World Famous Doctor’ award from the United Nations for his breakthroughs with Type 1 & 2 Diabetes and Cancer. His sheer numbers of success with clients are compelling evidence for the notion that common foods, viewed as medicine by Dr. Wu, can heal the worst health challenges. Over 30 years ago Dr. Tom Wu survived Lung Cancer after the Doctors gave him a prognosis of a few months life remaining. He radically changed his diet and was totally healed. Today at 67 years old he travels to over 23 countries teaching in 5 languages how to use specific “Phytochemical-Rich Foods” for reversing the most serious diseases and also maintaining a state of wellness. This article is written by his student Jeff Primack and is not meant to replace your physician’s instructions for your health. Most health experts currently regarded inflammation as the leading cause of diseases. These diseases include Cancer and Heart Disease. Free radicals are the origin of America’s inflammation crisis. They are created by fried foods, baking in the oven, and even heating olive or sesame oil in a pan for dishes such as stir fry. Nearly all the foods America eats create inflammation, however the true solution to our health is forthcoming and tastes great. We can steam and poach our foods in water eliminating the creation of free radicals and with little more than fruits, vegetables, common grocery herbs, and a three-horsepower blender...people have won the fight against pancreatic cancer, arteriosclerosis and heart disease deemed irreversible, type 1 & 2 diabetes, and even Autism, which has increased 1500% over the last ten years. The antidote to these killer diseases, as miraculous as it seems, is proving to be “Phytochemical-Rich” foods and the greatest secret is knowing what foods (and what parts) contain the ones you need. Swiss Chard is but one of many readily available vegetables which contain the insulin-like phytochemicals that balance blood sugar. Diabetes is currently diagnosed in 18 million Americans and is silently hiding in nearly half of the country’s citizens. The American diet of sugar laden iced latte’s, coca colas, muffins, pancakes, and all natural ice creams have made sure that most have a Pancreas working overtime. Within the next few years Diabetes will take more lives than Cancer, because it creates heart disease. 66% of diabetics die of heart disease or stroke. The solution lies in using several readily available vegetables, which contain an “Insulin-like” substance. Take Swiss Chard for example. The beautiful colored stem contains many photochemicals, which are structurally similar to insulin. When a diabetic eats Swiss chard the blood sugar naturally comes down. If the diabetic is willing to follow specific dietary guidelines, eliminate the foods which cause diabetes, and take all the vegetables which contain this Insulin-like photochemical then one can balance their blood sugar naturally, even if it is Type 1 Diabetes. The pancreas is able to regenerate and heal. This idea is considered preposterous by many doctors, however hundreds of successful diabetics don’t lie. Taking a real lifestyle change and having knowledge of the foods for this disease bring about its reversal in so many cases. Cancer deaths are increasing every year despite the fact that medications such as Averting & Eloxatin cost over $250,000. That’s 10-100 times more expensive than they were only ten years ago! With all our intellectual resources going into “finding a cure” you would think someone would take notice of people who completely reverse breast cancer, pancreatic, lung, and the cancers deemed most difficult to deal with. Would it come as a shock that a Mexican woman in Texas reversed Pancreatic cancer by mixing common fruits, vegetables, and garden herbs in a 3 horsepower blender? The notion that our body contains an army of Macrophages and Natural Killer Cells brings to light how this this possible. Dr. Wu teaches that “turning on” the immune system is the key. Using ONLY dietary principles he has guided great numbers of people, from all over the world in this fashion and the word has finally gotten out. Phytochemical-rich foods hold the key to solving our disease crisis. | The Chinese have long used Cilantro for its ability to chelate metals out from the body Autism has increased over 1500% (15 times) within just the last 10 years. Ten years ago One in twenty-five hundred children were diagnosed with autism, while today one in One hundred-sixty-six children are diagnosed. Based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and other governmental agencies, autism is growing at a startling rate of ten to seventeen percent per year. Our children are suffering needlessly and perhaps this is the most disturbing part of this news. Great evidence points to Mercury poisoning by vaccination. Robert Kennedy Jr. and Rolling Stone magazine published a compelling article on the subject matter, which opened a huge can of worms. Robert Kennedy Jr. has done his investigation quite well and shares a similar viewpoint as Dr. Tom Wu, which is - “Thimerosal” (which contains Mercury), added as a preservative to vaccines, appears to be the underlying cause of the sharp increase in Autism. Dr. Tom Wu has helped a great number of mothers reverse the condition in as short as a few months. He recommends they blend and give their children high quantities of Cilantro. This plant has been revered by the Chinese for thousands of years for its chelating ability. This is NOT a treatment program. It cannot be patented, extracted, or administered. Simply mix the Cilantro in a 3- horse power blender along with other fruits, which kids love. Dr. Tom Wu has seen the disease reversed in a matter of months. With all our advances in modern technology, nothing can duplicate the healing power of photochemical-rich foods. The idea being proposed here is not to have you run out to your nearest health food store and purchase “extracts” of phytochemicals in pill form. One apple has 385 different photochemicals! God has created the optimal spectrum and therefore the solutions to disease are found at the farmers market, not the pill factories. Photochemicals cannot be obtained by consuming fresh squeezed vegetable juice, because they are found only in the seeds, stems, and skin! They are found in the FIBER! If we juice, that part gets thrown away and this accounts for why juicing fruits and vegetables frequently fails to prevent aging or reverse terminal disease. Dr. Wu states that many of the people who juice fruits and vegetables actually age faster! One can get the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the juice, but little photochemicals. We must consume the whole food as God intended. Thus, the notion of a 3 horsepower blender becomes critical. Such a machine breaks apart the fibers to such a degree making the phytochemicals readily available. The good news is that Dr. Wu’s smoothies taste awesome and require little preparation time. In a world of fast paced lunches and on the go snacks there is little easier than switching to a high-phytochemical diet of smoothies, salads, and steamed vegetables, beans, and seafood. We are ALL capable of becoming truly healthy when we return our food to its pure state that it once was long ago. ![]() Tom Wu offers his a workshop entitled “Conquering Disease with Simple Foods & Reflexology”. For more information, visit or call (800)-298-8970 |