志在必行從小到大,飲食大部份都含有肉類,志在必行分析自已的牙齒結構/ 門齒4 顆旁有二顆犬齒。還好沒太突兀,否則太獸性了!! 但搭起來,志在必行的牙還算不錯看。主要想說的,這種牙齒,就是吃肉的吧。雖然現在說人類的腸道易生菌,肉類在小腸待的時間越長,身体就有越多毒素產生,對身体造成的傷害也就是老化的快,這也是說吃素的人,看起來都比較年輕,這點到是不用質疑。志在必行曾吃過短時期的素餐,但最多也只有3個月就 give up了,原因不外是外食不方便吃。如今文明病 越來越多,人也吃進不少外來的抗生素(肉類),農葯(蔬果),(化學品 )洗澡沐浴,究竟如何防,其實也防不勝防呀。所以,其實 定期排毒是很重要的。還有釋懷是很重要的,能活得久算多久吧,人生也還有許多美麗的誘惑都是無法抗拒的但是會reduce 壽命,這些不說出 大家也猜得到,但肉体面,盡人事,聽天命吧,但在soul層面,志在必行覺得還是比較重要的。(就是感知為soul的入口),要多去感覺,感受不同的人事地物,帶給自已的力量有什麼,這種成長,比只是世俗地生活更有意義的。

言歸正傳,人家說肉很dirty。那香菇呢? 它是各類腐敗過後成為菌種的合成耶!! 吃素的人,吃香菇最多了。其實 所有肉類腐敗後,最後一道里程是分解淨化為不同形式的菌類回歸大自然,最dirty的東西,其實最後都被轉化為最聖潔的食物了。人的糞便是很dirty的,它確是蔬菜最好的有機肥。如何把有害物質轉變成好的物質,可以延年益壽,使用這樣的轉變,人會變得很可愛吧。   人是不是也該有這樣soul的凈化呢?

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在大自然的景色中,可以做做文章, 抒發情感,內心更滿足!!
其實眾人的人性呀,在文學裏,可以真實,可以變裝 !!

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老公看上的房子,被別人出高價買走了。多出我們開價 90萬。


婆婆說,她向菩薩禱告,若合我們住,就讓我們搬進去,若不合,就不要買成,這一招說出,好像我們沒買成,心情上也有個慰藉!! 老公的理想算盤,在最後一局,沒有設好,他很聰明想先凍結一下別人買房機會,但婆婆說不好,所以做罷,誰知,在最後關頭,被別人買走了呢?

若在屋主還可以接受的價格上,我們積極地配合,是否馬上簽訂下來,就買成了,當機立斷的個性,有時是有風險的,老公不想有任何風險,這樣也是對的,但老公想安定下來,開始唸書的時間點,就要延後了,不然,若房子一直買不成,他就要去圖書館唸書了。想想沒買成,很可惜的,但希望 房價 在不久將來,可以掉下來,目前物價,油價一直上漲,雖然菥水沒有上調多少,對我們追屋一族的人來說,真的很苦呀。


總而言之,那房子 是不屬於我們,心情落差好大,都預想好,要如何在裏面生活了耶。想想要花許多時間再找合適的房子,可能,不是這麼快就能搞定的。

最後,買房要靠通靈的事,說靈 一點也不靈,一下 910/一下950/ 但最後都不是,哈哈 。還有程咬金出現之類。我的當機立斷想法,被老公阻擋掉了。不過 要買成房子,是兩人一起做的決定。


看完walden by henry david tHOREAU,覺得 把人放在大自然裏,才能真正領會到人生的真鍗,也多一些人生的樂趣,轉個彎,心境又有所不同思維及方向。

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  • Dec 07 Thu 2006 10:12
  • 分享

1,要在對的時間,說對的話,在說話之前要先想想會不會傷害別人的feeling,or 是別人有沒有時間,昨晚因犯了此兩個錯,弄得自已心情很沉。

2,一直想遠離一位同學,所以我終於說出已經跟她沒話說了,我現在心情確實是比較開朗,不用被她倒情緒gabagge,也希望她早日康復,大家還是同學,只是保持一下distance。in the begining,覺得怕傷害她的feeling,但人總要成長,能面對事實,也需courage。

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  • Nov 28 Tue 2006 15:29
  • 演講

發音的部份,不知為什麼 說的很僵硬,覺得很沒面子。第一次組同學們,表現的可圈可點,又具創意,發音好,又有自信。也許是志在必行準備的太rush了,沒有準備完全,下次要加油嘍!! 到了四年級,課業繁重,每科都過得馬馬虎虎,加上要工作,唸書的時間實在是太少啦!!

翻譯-  志在必行覺得中翻英還是有其困難,畢竟最適native speaker 的用字,句法結構志在必行還是不太能得心應手。

美國文學- 很多文章 都值得看,近日看完 henry david Thoreau 梭羅的 walden,尤其人生的哲理讓我能夠反復思索,更可反省現在世代的精神層面極為空洞不已。用許多重疊且無意義的生活方式填滿短暫的人生。看了許多故事性重覆挺高的男女情色故事,已過了吸引志在必行的注意力。

英國文學-  最近上浪漫時期的作品,當代作者 利用imagination來創作,志在必行很是喜歡,於大自然的美景中体現自已的心情,消遺當代的社會現象 。 聖經上一句名言 「日光之下,  無新鮮事」,只是手法的表現不同罷了,但能用不同以往的創作方式來展現自我才華,及有logically的自我主張,志在必行非常激賞。

modern drama- 總有主題可以探索- 志在必行認為這樣的課程就是討論人生嘛。人性的ridiculous。婚姻,兩性關係,社會強權與弱勢,朋友的利害衝突,在drama寫作的方式,也有一定的公式存在,Don要我們用自已的看法寫出報告,寫出最有意思是有張力的 funny; 還有,focus 在重點,重點; paper 2張,交出有層次有深度的處理手法。

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喜的是,終於有自已的房子 可以依自已喜好佈置,憂的是,我想休息的美夢 可能無法實現。再來,我要跟婆婆相處的日子,並不讓我開心。我並不是個好媳婦,這點我完全同意,為什麼東方人總有這麼多的bondages。從內心深處,我想要有與老公自已完全的空間,到了假日時,再與親人相處。在東方,沒有與父母生活在一起,老公就認為是不孝的,但若要妥協,我自已就會活得不自在。但婆婆年紀已大,也是要有個照應,但就怕生活在一起,婆婆會干涉到我喜歡的生活方式,許多事 她都認為不好,加上她愛看佛教的節目,總看不膩。我一定是躲在房間做自已的事啦!

能夠好好地沒有壓力休息個一年半載,想讓自已充個電,完全沉浸在yoga及課業上,想從職場上消失一陣子,但老公 還是希望我工作的,多了一份我的salary,也蠻好用的。

若持續工作,又要 面對一個處不好的同事,唉!! 除此之外,工作 還算能夠繼續下去。

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若是說為什麼不喜歡她,原因好多,無非是她的sense不夠 及 superficial,跟自已的價值觀有所不同,在自已的相對之下,覺得她有些stupid。對於自已對自已的坦白,我不敢對別人坦白,覺得人心總有黑暗面,喜惡的分明,有時是會傷害別人的,我不想傷害別人,確傷害自已的坦白。

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Redefining Press Freedom crucial after cartoon row


A redefinition of the freedom of expression that incorporates "standardized" universally accepted religious taboos is becoming increasingly necessary in the light of the enormous row triggered by the controversial Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, prominent academics and media experts suggested on Thursday.


They contend that the caricatures; regarded throughout the Islamic world as blasphemous, had nothing to do with freedom of expression, but rather reflect a developed version of " Islamophobia"that started to gather momentum after the Sept.11,2001 attacks in the US.


There are religious axioms(公理) which are enshrined in the well established international norms(基準) and conventions and the Western world does know they should be respected, said Ibrahim Ezzedine,chairman of Jordan's state-run Higher Media Council.


"I believe it is high time for such taboos to be standardized in a clearer manner" he added. " The respect for divine ideologies should be given priority on human rights and personal freedoms which are unequivocally protected under international law and agreements."


Ezzedine, a former information minister, spoke as Arab and Islamic outrage over the cartoons threatened to blow up into new dimensions in Arab and Islamic countries, rejecting arguments by the governments of Denmark and other countries that the caricatures were published under the principle of freedom of expression.


He agreed that the publication of the cartoons reflected an " Islamophobia" on the part of some Western countries that sought to establish an across-the-board linkage between Islam and terrorism in the wake of(尾隨著) the Sept 11,2001 attacks in the US.


"They started to target political Islam and they are now turning their arsenal into the core Islamic ideology", Ezzeddine said.


Muslim masses (民眾)are increasingly convinced that the caricatures,which were originally published in September by the Danish newspaper Jyyllands-Posten,were designed to give the impression that the prophet of Islam was a "terrorist."


One of the cartoons showed Mohammed wearing a turban(回教頭巾) in the shape of a bomb with a burning fuse. Another portrayed him with a bushy,gray beard wielding a sword,his eyes covered by a black rectangle. A third pictured a middle-aged prophet in the desert with a walking stick in front of a donkey and a sunset.


Islam bars any depiction of the prophet even respectful ones,out of concern that such images could lead to idolatry.


The cartoons were reprinted in January by the Norwegian magazine,Magazinet,while several papers in European and other countries volunteered to reprint them over the past week in what appeared to the Islamic world as a gesture of support for the Danish paper.


" They do not realize in the West that an absolute freedom of expression does not exist,and there are ethical controls that should be reckoned with," Taysir Abu Arja,professor of media at the Petra University,said.


"This is why newspapers in certain European countries,like Britain,have refrained from reprinting the caricatures and went further to criticize their publication by European papers," he said.


Abu Arja cited the confiscation(充公) of parts of the press freedoms in the US by the adminstration of President George W.Bush for " serving its strategic targets in Iraq and elsewhere as another evidence of the restricted freedom of press in Western countries.


" I believe freedom of expression should now be redefined so as to underline responsibility and ethics as key elements of a sophisticated press," he said.


Arja added that he was opposed to violent reactions in the Arab and Islamic countries to the cartoons and saw the remedy in starting a "rational dialogue involving governments,parliaments and other institutions from the two sides.


"However,the ball is now in the court of Denmark and other concerned countries which must acknowledge their mistake first and try to correct it." He said.


Taher Adwan,chief editor of the daily newspaper Alarab Alyawm,viewed the solidarity expressed with Jyllands-Posten by a string of newspapers in countries extending from Europe to New Zealand as evidence of "hatred harbored against the world's 1.3 billion Muslims and their culture.


"The blasphemy against the Prophet Moammed reflects and act of ethical deterioration that has nothing to do with the freedom of press,but rather reveals that Islam,as a religion,a culture and a civilzation,is becoming a target for a dangerous attack under the pretexts(拖辭) either of reforms or the emancipation(解放) of women and now by printing these sacrilegious drawings," he said.


"Certainly,what some Western papers published does not represent the Western societies,but it reflects certain political objectives," he added.


Adwan expected the Vatican's condemnation the publicatins of the prophet cartoons "whill help to circumvent"(防止) the present turmoil(騷動) .


"We also expect European civil society to step in to put an end to this defamation(中傷). Europe's politicians and media men should realize that the first step towards proper ties between the West and the Middle East lies in mutual respect and apologizing for the offense rather than adamantly(堅決地) going ahead with it." he said.

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病症────────  ───────────────────────────────
貧血────────  葡萄,橘子,蕃茄,蘋果,草莓,櫻桃
膽固醇過高─────  山竹,核桃
高血壓───────  葡萄,橘子,蕃茄,蘋果,核桃,酪梨,香蕉,西瓜,柿子,梨子,桃子
動脈硬化──────  橘子,蕃茄,蘋果,草莓,核桃,香蕉
血管脂肪化─────  橘子,蕃茄,蘋果,草莓,核桃,香蕉
中風────────  蘋果,柿子,鳳梨,奇異果
心臟病───────  蘋果,核桃,酪梨,香蕉,西瓜,梨子, 鳳梨,奇異果
糖尿病───────  蕃茄,酪梨,西瓜,梨子,桃子,番石榴,枇杷
支氣管炎──────  葡萄,蘋果,草莓,櫻桃,柿子,梨子,鳳梨,枇杷
哮喘────────  葡萄,桃子
潰瘍────────  酪梨,香蕉,梨子
胃炎────────  葡萄,蘋果,酪梨
腸炎────────  葡萄,蕃茄,蘋果,香蕉,鳳梨,番石榴
腹瀉────────  蘋果
消化不良──────  木瓜
痔瘡────────  蘋果,香蕉,柿子,桃子
肝病────────  葡萄,橘子,香蕉,李子
膀胱炎───────  西瓜,桃子
尿道結石──────  西瓜,奇異果,李子
尿道炎───────  葡萄
腎臟病───────  葡萄,橘子,蘋果,草莓,香瓜
內分泌失調─────  葡萄,蘋果,木瓜,香瓜
背痛────────  西瓜,梨子,柑橘
腰痛────────  西瓜,梨子,柑橘
關節炎───────  葡萄,枇杷
痛風────────  鳳梨,奇異果
皮膚病───────  蕃茄,蘋果,草莓,核桃,木瓜
口腔發炎──────  橘子,梨子,番石榴
牙齒疾病──────  橘子,草莓
感冒────────  草莓,鳳梨,枇杷,檸檬
孕婦止吐──────  梨子

寒涼水果有─  西瓜、水梨、葡萄柚、柚子、椰子、橘子、硬柿子、山竹、蕃茄。
    熱性水果有─  龍眼、荔枝、芒果、榴連。
    平性水果有─  芭樂、蘋果、葡萄、柳橙、木瓜、草莓、櫻桃、桑椹。



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